I love football/soccer. I am not the type who watches every match there is, but I do have a love for FIFA world cup and watch pretty much every match when FIFA is upon us. Lucky for me, in exactly 20 days, the games will start. Last World Cup (2014) I did the above design for the Iran/Argentina match to represent the Iranian flag colors. I felt Iran was the underdog in that match and full-heartedly supported them, nails and all 🙂
I have used the following polishes for the above design, which is freehand design:
Seche Base – Ridge Filling Base Coat
China Glaze – White on White
OPI – Black Onyx
OPI – Big Apple Red
Ciaté – Ditch the Heels
Seche Vite – Fast dry top coat
To celebrate the start of the games in Brazil, I did the following design using Ciaté 3D Emerald Collection Kit which consists of the following:
13.5 ml – “Ditch the Heels” nail polish
20 g – pot of Caviar Pearls in “Ball Gown”
10 g – pot of Sequins in “Penthouse”
8.5 g – pot of Crushed Velvet in “Chauffeur”
1 little black brush
1 funnel

Stay tuned for nail of the FIFA 2018 !
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